Podcast Interview with Pola Fendel // Co-Founder of Kleiderei
by Cherie Birkner
When's the last time someone surprised you with a dress you absolutely loved?
What's inside, and how is that changing the fashion game? A mix of hand picked pieces from sustainable fashion brands and vintage treasures that catch the eye. Here you can forget about asking yourself if you're really going to wear that piece 30 times, because when you don't want it any more you just give it back and get something new.
Want to experience something "more fun and relaxed than going shopping"? Scroll down and click the link to your new clothing library!
Let me introduce Pola Fendel, co-founder of the sustainable clothing rental service Kleiderei. This babe doesn't just make her customers feel like "it's Christmas every month" but she's changing the fashion game while she's at it! Kleiderei is about dressing you in a way that makes you feel good inside and out. You can become a member and let the Kleiderei girls curate a box for you every month. What that's like? It's like having your best friend telling you "you need to try this! It will be amazing on you!".
Was having a sustainable business a coincidence?
Can you get the same kick from borrowing as buying?
What are no-go's for Kleiderei brands?
Advice Pola would give her past self, and where to go for funding.
Biggest successes and why she wouldn't recommend crowd funding to anyone(!).
How she knows what to choose for someone.
What happens when the clothes are worn out?
What it's like to be in a panel discussion and what we should keep in mind when we're at one.
© Cherie Birkner
© Cherie Birkner
© Cherie Birkner
Fan man who wanted to have his picture taken with beautiful Pola <3 © Cherie Birkner
Walking the streets of Berlin in a gifted coat. © Cherie Birkner